Sunday, 11 January 2009

Life update

Last night I'd updated a draft of a LART letter to the LEA (many thanks to my friend Karen for sample text and advice!) ready to print off and post today - so of course today a letter arrived from the LEA offering K a place at Walthamstow School for Girls, which is pretty much the best school for girls in the area. K herself was unimpressed and sulked for the rest of the day, as she doesn't like either the uniform or the thought of an all-girl school, but I left her to it; I knew she'd get out of the mood eventually, which of course she did - after dinner she was back to watching Buffy DVDs again as though nothing had happened.

She and I have to go visit the headmistress on Monday afternoon, and then I guess it will be time to do some hasty uniform and shoes buying and sorting out school stuff. I'm assuming this means she'll be starting the following Monday.

Still no word yet about what is going to happen regarding D's education however, so I foresee a round of phone calls on Monday to sort out what exactly is going on there. I may yet have a need for a revised version of my LARTing letter.

The meeting with the headmistress on Monday should be mildly entertaining, as I redyed my hair today before I found out about the meeting; the purple has been touched up (Schwartzkopf Cyber Purple) and the front third is a very vivid blue (Directions Atlantic Blue over freshly-bleached hair, left to develop for 3 hours before rinsing and conditioning). I might need a new icon.... Plan presently is to dress up smart and conservative; I'm thinking black trousers, black turtleneck, and maybe my longline black business jacket.

Mood-wise I'm... eh, kind of middling, keeping-my-head-above-water. I've run out of Zyprexa but I'm not going to get the prescription refilled - it turns me into a zombie, which is worse than useless; I need to be more functional, not less. Still, 2 weeks till my appointment with Dr L. Need to get back into the habit of starting the day with half an hour in front of the lightbox; I've let it slip the past few days, and last night my mood crashed completely in a very unpleasant way. I'd rather that didn't become a regular occurrence again.

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